Earlier today, Alicia and Michael took to Entertainment Weekly‘s tumblr to answer questions from fans! It’s a part of their “The Light Between Oceans” promotion, but they answered a lot of questions unrelated to the film as well. We’ve posted some of Alicia’s replies below, but check out EW’s tumblr HERE for everything + Michael’s replies as well!
Q: This film is based on a book, so can you tell us, what’s the best book you’ve read recently? I need reading recommendations!
A: 1Q84 by Haruki Marukami
Q: If you had to live the life of one of your characters, wich would you choose? Have a great day!
A: Ava out in the real world
Q: Michael and Alicia, you were in two of the most visually stunning films to come out last year: Macbeth and Ex Machina. The Light Between Oceans looks GORGEOUS as well. What are some of your favorite films based on visual appeal/cinematography?
A: I also loved Macbeth
Q: Michael and Alicia, Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?
A: I’ve had this question!! Ha ha ha. One horse-sized duck, I could beat! I would be terrified for 100 duck-sized horses.
Q: Did you have the chance to meet or talk to M.L. Stedman? Did she help you somehow to understand better your characters and their actions?Thank you
A: She came quite late in the shoot and visited the set. it was lovely to meet her.
Q: Do you have any favorite TV show?
A: Chef’s Table–I can’t wait for season 2!
Q: Michael, Alicia – first thought when you read the script?
A: I was quite blown away, I found myself tearing up reading the script which hasn’t really happened before.
Q: What’s your most memorable moment from the set of “the light between oceans”?
A: Michael milking the goats.
Q: Which things do you have in common with Isabel? Which similarities are there between you and your character?
A: She has a fun walk that I would love to use more myself in real life. I wish I have her energy and life force. And baby-stealing (just kidding).
Q: If you weren’t an actor/actress, what career do you think you would pursue?
A: My friend sometimes calls me their travel agent because I love planning vacation and itineraries with restaurants and places to go. So travel agent. Ha ha ha ha.
Q: Who is your favorite fictional character?
A: Dopey from Snow White. He seems like he enjoys life.