Alicia can now be seen in 3 new magazines, in addition to the very many we’ve already posted about in the last couple of weeks! These are Glamour Mexico (March), Fotogramas Spain (March) and SFX Magazine (April). The Glamour one features different photoshoot images of Alicia then the rest so far this year, so this one is probably my favorite. All are part of the on-going “Tomb Raider” promotion, and they mostly discuss the film and Alicia’s preparation. I’ll translate the parts of the articles which give us new information this weekend, but it looks like most of the articles mention the same things we already know. But they still feature gorgeous photoshoots and stills, so make sure to pick up your own copies if you have them in your area! And head over to our gallery to find the digital scans:

Gallery > Magazine Scans > Magazines 2018 > Fotogramas (España)
Gallery > Magazine Scans > Magazines 2018 > SFX Magazine