Welcome to I Heart Alicia, an exclusive and in-depth fansite dedicted to the talented actress Alicia Vikander. Alicia is known for her roles in projects such as "The Danish Girl", "Tomb Raider" and "Ex Machina", and more recently "Irma Vep".

We aim to bring you all the latest news and images relating to Alicia's acting career, and strive to remain 100% gossip-and-paparazzi-free. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Archive for the ‘Swedish Cancer Society’ Category
by Elise on September 09, 2016

The Swedish Cancer Society, an independent non-profit organization with the vision of finding cures for cancer, revealed earlier today their new ribbon, which changes every year. Alicia created this pink ribbon and shares her personal story in the cancer awareness campaign, which you can view in the video below. Along with the ribbon, four beautiful outtakes of a photoshoot for the campaign have been revealed, photographed by Erik Persson.

“For me, the pink ribbon is a symbol of solidarity which gives hope of overcoming the disease.”

“I was very honoured when the Swedish Cancer Society asked me to design this year’s pink ribbon. I’ve seen what cancer can do to the ones you love, and this is my way of contributing to the cause.”