Welcome to I Heart Alicia, an exclusive and in-depth fansite dedicted to the talented actress Alicia Vikander. Alicia is known for her roles in projects such as "The Danish Girl", "Tomb Raider" and "Ex Machina", and more recently "Irma Vep".

We aim to bring you all the latest news and images relating to Alicia's acting career, and strive to remain 100% gossip-and-paparazzi-free. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch!

by Elise on December 13, 2015

This year’s Phoenix Film Critics Nominations have been announced and Alicia received, not one, but two (one again) nominations for Best Supporting Actress. Ex Machina has also been nominated for Best Picture, Best Science Fiction Film, Best Director and Best Screenplay (Alex Garland).

Jennifer Jason Leigh, The Hateful Eight
Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl
Alicia Vikander, Ex Machina
Kate Winslet, Steve Jobs

Check out the full list of nominees here.

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