
Alicia as Mira
Mirais an American movie star disillusioned by her career and a recent breakup, who comes to France to star as “Irma Vep” in a remake of the French silent film classic, “Les Vampires.” Set against the backdrop of a lurid crime thriller, Mira struggles as the distinctions between herself and the character she plays begin to blur and merge. IRMA VEP reveals to us the uncertain ground that lies at the border of fiction and reality, artifice and authenticity, art and life.

Alicia as Mira
Firebrand centers on Queen Katherine Parr, a risk taking woman who was not only a Protestant in a time when followers of the religion were being tormented and murdered, but also put her life on the line when she married King Henry VIII.

Alicia as Lara Croft
Plot still unknown.
Maintained by Sara
Founded October 15, 2015
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The Alicia Vikander Vault is a website created by a fan, for the fans and is in no way affiliated with her management, or any company associated with him. All media, photos, trademarks and copyrights are owned by their respective companies. No copyright infringement is intended. Please contact us if anything should need to be removed from our servers.
Paparazzi Policy: This website respects and maintains the privacy of Alicia and her life outside of her career and is therefore, paparazzi and gossip free. Unless they are pertinent to her career, you will not find them here.
This website was previously under the name Alicia Vikander Online at the domain alicia-vikander.us. It re-launched on a new domain, with a new name and photo gallery, on October 30, 2017.
A brand new Burnt trailer has been unveiled today, in which we can finally discover Alicia as Anne Marie. Check it out below: